young man | Teen Ink

young man

January 3, 2008
By Anonymous

I met a young man,
He gave me the world,
He looked at my heart barren and raw,
Now wondrous fields they grow in the

He saw that my eyes were broken and burned,
Now mended and new they see the sights of this world.

I love this young man who gave me the world,
The tears that he sheds,
Blood-red shards of his heart,
Collected in hands that have seen this new world,
With love and sweet care they are mended together,
Put back in his breast stronger than ever,
Our forgiveness is forever and love is yet stronger.

Yes, I met a young man,
He gave me the world,
Living in hands that hold together our lives,
Walking through roads both loved and unfavored,
We will watch our own world,
As it realizes our triumph,
Forever to exist in our bountiful lives,
We hold each other,
Forever, in the extent of all things.

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