As the tears run down my face | Teen Ink

As the tears run down my face

January 3, 2008
By Anonymous

As the tears run down my face
I ask myself one question:
Why this…
Why this of all things must change?
Of all the things that could have changed,
It had to be this.
But why?
Why of all things must change?

It seems that I am no longer a man of interest.
NO longer a crying shoulder.
But why?
No more hugs.
No more kisses.
No more I love you’s,
But why of all things must change

I long for you,
Wishing to be yours once more,
Yet you give me no such gift.

Why must I lie here,
surrounded by tears
that give me no comfort?

My love for you stands strong
While yours cripples and fades.

But why of all things must change?

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