I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

October 18, 2011
By JasmineJohnson007 BRONZE, Sebring,Fl, Florida
JasmineJohnson007 BRONZE, Sebring,Fl, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never say goodbye; its see you later"

I remember when my grandma died
I remember when she was her,
I remember what she use to do,
I remember when she called me dear,
I remember when she made me laugh,
I remember when she took her bath,
I remember her smile and the way she put her hair,
I remember when she stuck gum behind her ear,
I remember her in her peach casket at her funereal,
I remember hoping nobody was sooner,
I remember me at her grave sight telling her goodbye,
I remember her whispering telling me everything happens in the sky,
I remember her in the hospital couldn't hardly breath,
I remember her saying it was time for her to leave,
People crying,People screaming,
I remember people falling, people leaving
God was wrong or was he right,
He was right because she visited me that night,
Did she go to heaven or did she go down,
She went to heaven, she has the crown,
She draws clouds and cries rain,
Grandma known as my best friend,
August 1, 2010 was insane

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this was because we were really close and she was the only one who could understand me so when she left i just started writing poetry to remind me of her. I want you to understand that no matter what happens to a person you love always remember them.

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