A Bubble | Teen Ink

A Bubble

January 3, 2008
By Anonymous

A Bubble
We live in a bubble
This bubble full of close-minded people
People openly expressing
Their views of people different from themselves.
Gay is wrong, both a religious belief
And a personal one
The word being used every day
With the meaning of “stupid”
Stupid, what makes them stupid
They're people just like the rest
We live in a bubble

This bubble full of close-minded people
Black people surprise us
Wow, not a Black man in the play
Embarrassment is all I can say
When the sound of gasp
Came from all those mouths in the crowd
We live in a bubble
This bubble full of close-minded people
Abortion is wrong
Both a religious belief
And a personal one
The Emergency Pill, it's OK to use it
Although it does the same thing
A belief instilled into the minds
Of the people in the community
One's better than the other
Although they do the same thing
We live in a bubble
This bubble full of close-minded people
“Dumb Californians”
“Stupid Californians keep coming up here
Taking our land.”
Yes Californians are coming up here
To take your land
That's their purpose in life
To take the Montanan's land away
Too bad they're the ones who sell it
To the Stupid Californians.
We live in a bubble
A bubble containing small communities
Close-minded to anything
Different from themselves

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