Least Favorite Classroom | Teen Ink

Least Favorite Classroom

April 2, 2008
By Anonymous

So there's this guy..i kinda REALLY like him.
He has the most gorgeous smile.
Yesterday I almost picked up the phone to call him but my nerves got the best of me.
Everytime I see him I get chills.
I think this guy might really be the one for me .
We started off as just friends but now im feeling something different..Wonder if he dreams of me too.??
He not your ordinary guy,he's too wonderful.In my eyes he's .. EXTRAORDINARY.
The first day our eyes met my heart skipped a beat.
People say im silly for feeling the way I do.
I laugh &&. say "they just can't see what I see."
Just two weeks ago we bumped into each other in the hall..GOSH I hope he didn't notice how hard I was smiling.
My friends all make fun of me because his name is doodled all over my notebook but he's sooo worth the humiliation.!!
Thursday I dropped my books in the way to class &&. he just so happened to be walking by,our hands touched for like a whole minute.....I couldn't think of a better way to spend my 60 seconds.
One time we had to do a science project together && thats the most we've EVER talked even though I see him like every day.
He's like my everything but he doesn't even realize that I exist.
I wish he would give me the time of the day because I know we could have something special.
Maybe one day he'll come to his senses && I can be his everything too.
But as for now i'll just be the girl who sits in the back of his least favorite classroom...

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