Ode to My Popularity | Teen Ink

Ode to My Popularity

September 22, 2011
By sdrake97 BRONZE, Cumberland, Indiana
sdrake97 BRONZE, Cumberland, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Therefore, go forth and set the world on fire."

Thou love being popular
Thou is popular
Loved among most
Thou wants to live on the coast
For that is where thy popular citizens live
Thou dress like thy Kardashians
Thy look as gorgeous as a Hollywood star
Thou love being popular
Thou is favorite
Loved among most
Thou boys are crying over me
While I am just sighing back at them
Thy wish to make memories with my mother
Thy likes my dad because thine mom makes me mad
Thine fragrant perfume dances in my dreams
Flying as a butterfly going through the mall
Thou tasteth my gourmet meals
And smell them through thy mansion
Thy has everything in the world

The author's comments:
This poem is an elegy written in the viewpoint of Claire from The Breakfast Club.

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