I'll Take My Chances | Teen Ink

I'll Take My Chances

February 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I'll Take my chances
burning down the answers
of the grand abyss.
The tragedies that befall a village of ghosts.
The murder of reason,
for the keepsake of desolation.
Low and behold.
Annihilation found.

contemplations of a fearless killer
at a masquerade of saints.
He takes his leave
as the heavens crash down
like an albatross torn from the skies above.

A movement born
from the hatred of lifestyles unknown.
The heretic takes the cake.
as the zealot takes the knife.

As the Harlot prays,
the widow takes pot shots at the picket line.

Adament hearted from birth
desperation bound from death
The promise of salvation
calling him home
to the boundless scourge
of the seven skies.
Scattered across the horizon
the helicopter blades are drawing close.

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