A Vietnam War Poem | Teen Ink

A Vietnam War Poem

August 21, 2011
By whisperofthewind SILVER, Warren, Rhode Island
whisperofthewind SILVER, Warren, Rhode Island
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remembering the pain,
The dying whispers and scared shouts,
The shooting of guns and the bombs.
Just wanting to get out.

Protecting friends and family,
Risking one's own life.
Running through the wild jungle,
Slicing through the vines with a knife.

Trying to fight for something,
Can't remember what or why.
Watching all the destruction,
Hearing the sound of people cry.

Feeling like it's the end of all,
Your life and everything forever.
Drafted into this war.
Joined myself? No, never.

Remembering the pain,
The dying whispers and scared shouts,
The shooting of guns and the bombs.
Just wanting to get out.

The author's comments:
A poem about the terrors of war.

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