When Nights are Cold and Windy | Teen Ink

When Nights are Cold and Windy

March 7, 2008
By Anonymous

When nights are cold and windy
When days are dark and cloudy
And you feel like just gibing up
Think of those days hwere nothing mattered.

The days where broken hearts didn't exsist.
When fighting was ignoring your best friend for an hour.
When laying on the ground, looking up at the stars didn't bring back those certain memories.

The memories you don't want to think about,
The ones that break your heart,
The kind where no matter how hard you try to forget them, they don't go away.
The memories that bring those childish memories back to life.

When nights are cold and windy
When days are dark and cloudy
And you feel like just giving up
Remember the days when everything was perfect.

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