why does it have to be this way... | Teen Ink

why does it have to be this way...

August 6, 2011
By alicialyn301102 BRONZE, Oldforge, Pennsylvania
alicialyn301102 BRONZE, Oldforge, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You always should say friends are better, how its better to have good friends. One day I told myself when I was having a problem, how life is like a piece of paper, when you are done you just rip it up and move on. Well, sometimes it's hard to move on because you forget where you are going .........until you remember who is in front of you and that will always be a good friend to push you through your problems.

The author's comments:
I was having a tough day and one of my friends helped me through it so i told my self this and never forgot it ..........

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