You and I | Teen Ink

You and I

March 3, 2008
By Anonymous

You and I
We sit under the stars
Communication mumbled, but still treasured
The wind grabs my hair and attention
But only for a moment
You steal a glance and my heart
And my smile says it all

You and I
We walk to our own beat
Laughter loud, but still relaxing
The flowers sway, playing in the wind
Their not quite eternal dance
You hold my hand and my life
And my smile says it all

And I
I sit under the stars
Communication impossible, but desperately needed
The memory haunts my heart and my soul
And not just for a moment
You stole a glance and my heart
And my tears say it all

And you
You lie still, forever silenced
Like the beat we used to live to
The flowers sit, wilting with no wind
Their dance over and done with
You held my hand and my life
And my silence says it all

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