Psychedelic Voyage | Teen Ink

Psychedelic Voyage

March 2, 2008
By Anonymous

Throughout the valley and the lush green fields,
A hippie on a journey through life’s yields.
The long bus rides across states with weird names,
There was never any fame- pack up- lame.
Sleeping under mother nature’s blanket
Of stars and clouds, watching the moon set.
On the road again to a place- Woodstock.
The Mecca of music, ecstasy, life.
The journey he takes there only begins.
Life with meaning, taking it’s mulligan
Do over he wants for life is too short.
His mind is in pain screaming ABORT ABORT ABORT
His mind is already gone filled with color
And gone is the pain, instead bright paintings
Things he cannot describe with any might
The colors have feelings he seems to know
Memories seem lost in transit, who’s Joe?
He finally arrives, shoes off, beats loud
He lost everything money, clothes, van; he’s proud
He found his spirit something worth nothing
But it means to him, the hippie, everything.

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