A Letter to You | Teen Ink

A Letter to You

June 27, 2008
By Anonymous


How is everything in your life?
I haven't heard from you in a while,
I am desperate to hear your sincere voice,
and recall your familiar and loving smile,

What I would give to go back again,
and relive the unforgettable times we shared,
the stupid, the funny, but all memorable,
during those times when we truly cared.

Yet nothing we do will ever stop change,
and nothing we do will ever slow down time,
I am just so thankful that you are still,
such a important person in my life.

Now the sky streaks with gold and gray,
as the colors of day are fading away,
and night-time will soon take over day,
but I know that our memories will stay.

Because radiance pours down from the heavens,
the brilliant light shines from the stars,
so I can see our past written in the skies,
so I can see us imprinted on our hearts.


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