About the Author "I am from" | Teen Ink

About the Author "I am from"

July 14, 2011
By TangoMangoes BRONZE, Wayne, Pennsylvania
TangoMangoes BRONZE, Wayne, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from America,
While my parents are from China.
I am from picking up after my dog,
And playing tug-of-war with him.

I am from playing violin,
Enjoying the music coming from it,
And letting others enjoy it
By playing in concerts.

I am from swimming,
Splashing in the pool,
Training for meets,
And competing, too.

I am from karate,
Sparring other people,
Learning self-defense techniques,
And getting stronger every day.

I am from conserving water, paper, and time,
Recycling and reusing,
And picking up trash
After inconsiderate litterers.

I am from helping others,
Making get-well bags for long-term patients in hospitals
And donating time, socks, and canned food
To the homeless shelters and charities.

I am from procrastination,
Saving projects for the last minute,
Waiting for the deadline,
Rushing to finish and perfecting everything.

I am from my teachers-good and bad;
I am from my friends and my family.
But most of all,
I am from myself.

The author's comments:
I was at this writing camp, and for our anthology page, we had to do an "About the Author" so one of our choices was to write an "I am from" poem as an "About the Author."

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