Given Rose | Teen Ink

Given Rose

July 3, 2011
By Quinntessa PLATINUM, Amherst, Massachusetts
Quinntessa PLATINUM, Amherst, Massachusetts
30 articles 4 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am being frank about myself in this book. I tell of my first mistake on page 850.
- Henry Kissinger

The Stem of a Rose, white petals surround it
They curve into a perfect formation
Where they are, they flawlessly sit
They bloom fully after their long winters vacation
The smell of sweet, lovely scents fill my nose
I take a deep breath and let the scents in
A beautiful sight, the flower, the Rose
I pick the delicate flower to give to my kin
I watch as my sibling takes the bloom
And smiles greatly, thanking me
She handles it carefully, the flower white as the moon
A happy girl is what I made be

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