Need You | Teen Ink

Need You

June 24, 2011
By SuperiorForce GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
SuperiorForce GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."

Close your eyes

empty your mind

and feel my soft caress

I know you like

I hear the hard beating in your chest

I want to satisfy you

So I delicately kiss your neck

You're getting hot

I continue with the kisses

Because I know I've found your spot

I suck your flesh

And bite

Just a nibble

I don't want you bleeding on me, right

I pull my head back

Stare at the beauty of your face

Kiss for your mouth

Just want a taste

I'm not after the treasure

under your waist

I just want to lay in your embrace

Because I love you

We don't move with haste

I'd wait my life for you

Forget a clock

I have time to waste

I just need you

to be there for me

Be with myself and I

Make the perfect 3

Then I'd never have to wipe tears from my eyes

There would no rainy day for you and I

I just want to be close to you

Hold you

Then expose to you

My heart...

I wasn't sure at the start

But you, girl, are surely the one

I'll need you here

When all's said and done

At the finish

I want to see you grinnin'

Because the smile you possess

Is what keeps my world spinnin'

And when I'm feelin' my best

I'm never afraid to shoot you a text

You may not be here

But I feel your vibe

To be by your side

is what I strive


Just to open a door

and see you sitting there

Then I take all my time to stare...

The author's comments:
Just a deep feeling

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