Soccer Goal | Teen Ink

Soccer Goal

December 19, 2007
By Anonymous

I never worry about the score; we are out there for fun.
I refuse to sit down on the bench; I’m like a tiger pacing in a cage.
I won’t tolerate a player that refuses to try, I want 110%.
I don’t allow feelings of regret, which come after a loss.
I am not the greatest coach; I’m a rookie like my players.

I never pretend to be a pro, but I did learn from the best.
I refuse to cry about a loss, wining isn’t everything.
I won’t shout at the referee, that’s what parents are for.
I don’t want the boys to get hurt, but if they do, I come running.
I am not the greatest coach, but I hope to be someday.

I never say the word “can’t,” because I believe you can.
I refuse to spend time dreaming of trophies, I have goals to achieve.
I won’t try to race my fastest player, not again.
I don’t understand why kids don’t like to practice.
I am not the greatest coach, but that’s my true goal.

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