Blood That Covered The Ground | Teen Ink

Blood That Covered The Ground

February 28, 2008
By Anonymous

The bombs that exploded
The sounds they made
Killing all the precious things
That came by day

The village that fell
Because the soldiers didn’t tell
Hear the screams
Hear the gun shots that shouldn’t been fired
The blood that covered the ground

The children, women, and the old men
The ones that didn’t deserve to die
But the soldiers acted
Under orders
Of the crazy man that should’ve died

They were suppose to protect the village
Not lead them to their graves
But instead they killed every last living thing

Now, the soldiers are grieving
Because they can still see that day
Were the blood covered the ground
The bodies of unprotected humans
They will never forget

What happened and what they did
To that village
On March 16,1968

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