Forget Me Not | Teen Ink

Forget Me Not

June 14, 2011
By maddieLB SILVER, Hamilton, New York
maddieLB SILVER, Hamilton, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My days, my nights,

Are barren of love.

My soul is cold and empty,

from voices above.
Each movement brings pain,

for every

touch I give peels away

another memory.

How can I attach

to you,

when I know you’ll just drift away?

Every hour passes by me

and I forget every day.

Memories, memories,

supposed to last forever

Unless they are but wisps of dreams,

like petals,


The author's comments:
This is based on another piece of writing, something I might further write about. The theme is memory, but it has been freely interpreted as sleeping or rain.

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