Progress | Teen Ink


February 14, 2008
By Terry Tsai SILVER, Milpitas, California
Terry Tsai SILVER, Milpitas, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

seven lives down
and I still hear the sound
of scared stars running away from me
whenever I show my face
of riot Earths being shunned
where I am lacking faith

now the sun falls down
whenever I put it up
and the winds blow hard
when politics grown corrupt

now Time refuses to stop for me
moving away at a reckless speed
and Death is catching up to me
with all my past stupid deeds
he didn’t forget

is it poor luck?
is it a bad pun?
or an apocalyptic sign to everyone?

eight lives down
all the innocents
and all the run-downs
all the sad clowns
and all the nice guys
now they’re the prize

‘cause the trees have no rights anymore
and fruits will have to grow up and be brave
now animals subdued to mindless voodoo
and our ground’s becoming our grave

while oceans throw up
and the skies turn gray
when hurricanes find strength
as seasons disobey

did something go wrong?
am I to blame?
or is there other-worldly
conspiring spirits
playing some crafty game?

nine lives down
I just can’t help but frown
frown upon all those stories
of hate spreading like wild berries
of hope getting smaller
of life becoming torture

I’m sorry that I
wrecked your soul
when you had goals
when I wasn’t
good for you anymore

I wish there’s
something I can do

and so,
despite fear of rejection
against pain and humiliation
through trial and error
to make living a little fairer

for all the sad and the slums
all the less fortunate and poor
and all the fools

I dream of a day
where the grass will be greener
and love will be stronger
and all the beings of this planet
would resolve every conflict
and music would join all hands
and make everybody friends

and one day I will walk again
‘cause I would own flesh
and eventually you’ll respect me again
that day I made progress

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