No Name | Teen Ink

No Name

June 1, 2011
By Sapphire.Sydney SILVER, Sackville, Other
Sapphire.Sydney SILVER, Sackville, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take me as I am , Or watch as I walk away"
"You are unique , You are your own person , Never change who you are"

He says he wants me to be his ,
Though conversations get cut short ,
Our friendship is like a candy that once in your mouth will fizz ,
Or like a little kids pillow fort ,
Is great while it does last ,
But left wondering once the door to conversation has been shut ,
Why is everything happening so fast !
I feel like I'm a car stuck in a rut ,
With no help to get out ,
My tires spin faster and faster but still not moving ,
No one hears me as I scream and shout ,
My thoughts of this world are disapproving ,
People in this world often make me confused ,
And often put me down ,
I've made it through the woods not unbruised ,
Walking through the rivers I nearly drown ,
Now he's come into my life and rescued me but I don't know where to go ,
Do I take his hand and join in his path ?
Or do I continue on my own and reply no ,
Though that would be hard due to loves wrath ..
Is being with him realistic ?
Or just simply in my dreams ?
There's only one disagreeable characteristic ,
But nothing is ever as it seems ....

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