The Curl | Teen Ink

The Curl

January 13, 2008
By Anonymous

The Constant wave
Divides me from speech
Tears apart the Recent

Leaving me dead

Of conscience

I stand motionless
Heart keeping beat to
The crash of the shore

I was here yesterday

But something about today

Curls my mind

I’m wrapped in the gale of
Sea and sand

The wind tussles

With my blonde locks

Feet melt
Into beaded necklace coast

Will I be here tomorrow?
The necklace slowly unties

Seconds sprint

Towards their next

Closer and closer

I won’t be here

The beat again calls me

Mocks a drum

That beat slowly withers

Like flower in fall

Its roars rumble softer

The last bead falls

And pulls down the

Will the sea beads answer to their Curl?
Question comes but once

I stand empty handed of reply

For I am like one grain

Not two or three or four

How can I stop?

My heart only keeps

Beat to the crash of the

It is then I look
It is then I watch

When will I realize?

No one’s coming

Swiftly locks crumple

Heart skips and shutters

I will not walk here tomorrow

But how can I stop?

My heart still keeps

Beat to the crash of the

A final catch of the eye

Takes me in

No more am I lured though

Strength is slowing

Sound is souring

My heart could only

Keep the beat

And there it is
No awe at all

The great precipice
stablished from tan grains

Built of solid flowing soft

Tis' a constant wave

Stuck in its Past

Curling above

Peering below

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