He'll Take Care of Your Heart | Teen Ink

He'll Take Care of Your Heart

January 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Bad things will happen,
and pain will happen too,
but you have to be strong,
and know I'm here for you,
Life won't always be beautiful,
or the parade we had hoped for,
but we can dance and enjoy it,
and grow to love it more,
Yes there will be hard times,
and times you want to die,
but when you fall you must get up,
and be willing to retry,
I know you truely loved him,
more than all the rest,
but you don't know how long you have,
so make each day the best,
The love won't disapper,
and the pain will try to stay,
but stand up strong,
and throw the pain away,
You have control,
to make each day better than the last,
but you have to move on and realize,
that the past is the past,
Just focus on right now,
forget that he hurt you,
and forget the pain you feel,
Find better things to do,
better things than crying,
better things than regrets,
forget all the thing he said,
forget the upsets,
someday you'll find the love,
that will never break you apart,
and I promise...
that he'll take care of your heart.

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This article has 1 comment.

lollygager11 said...
on Dec. 3 2008 at 2:21 am
That was really really good!!!!!!!!!!