Freedom has been Sown | Teen Ink

Freedom has been Sown

May 28, 2011
By MirlGirl BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
MirlGirl BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We would stand here at the wire wall, no one hears of beckoning call. I wished to see the blue skies once more where happy memories lingered before, Times when the sky was not filled of gloom and we bask in a sunlit afternoon. I hear the cries of babies young as they watch their siblings high and hung.
The sounds here are like the sounds of hell, cries and screams from each dark cell. Light has gone and hid its face, while melancholy takes its place. The scent in the air of death sits and simmers, as the enemy’s eye smiles with a glimmer.
We sit and wait, and watch, and hope as a souls slides down a slippery slope. Our dreams disintegrate with each and every breath each feeling like a violent death.
Sitting, wishing, hoping, praying that out of this Hell that has been so sedating, that I would be at home once more, with life at my fingertips and so much in store. We sit and wait and watch and dream of the life that could have been.
Now we can see the light at last, that we missed so much from the past. Now our heroes save our souls from desolation as a whole. We are here now to roam free, in happiness where we are supposed to be. I see the grey skies all disappear and I can feel the Lord is near. Thanks be to God our Holy host, has driven out this evil ghost. We now bow before the throne; the gift of freedom has now been sown.

The author's comments:
I have been reading a lot about suppression, in particularly the Holocaust and that was my inspiration for this piece.

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