Seasons' Memories | Teen Ink

Seasons' Memories

December 6, 2007
By Anonymous

--Naps in the hammock, swinging between the shade of two oak trees.
--Pumping my legs on the creaky, blue swing, closer and closer to touching the sky.
--Sips from the hose ad Dad waters the grass.
--Textures of grass frighten young, curled toes.
--Bursting water balloons ease the blaze of summer heat.
--Feet consumed by wet, engulfing sand.
--Beads of sweat slowly slide down a glass of iced tea.
--Bitter tastes of salt water interrupt the summer getaway.
--Green changes from orange to red to brown.
--Howling wind creeps through cracks in sealed windows.
--Solid black pavement becomes patches of faded red and vibrant orange.
--Families reunite with fake smiles and hugs.
--Lopsided snowmen invade front yards one by one by one.
--Hats and mittens and scarves snuggle against smooth skin.
--Sharp skates cut at the ice, distinct trails left behind.
--Flakes of crisp snow become lost beautifully curled hair.

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