A Sestina for Breakfast | Teen Ink

A Sestina for Breakfast

May 26, 2011
By ledzeppelin94 BRONZE, Thetford, Vermont
ledzeppelin94 BRONZE, Thetford, Vermont
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Upon a checkered lawn a neighborhood of dishes sits---
a spoon
reflecting a mug,
who touches a plate
as it lounges on a placemat, while a martini glass
stands by a knife.

Angered last night by a butter dish, Knife
and cries to Martini Glass
who hardly listens, as she checks out Spoon
whose wife, Plate,
is carrying on an affair with his best friend Mug.

An hour later Mug
asks Knife,
a good friend of Plate’s,
what Plate’s favorite dinner is, while Spoon
wondering why he’s getting strange glances of lust from Martini Glass.

Eavesdropping, Martini Glass
harasses Mug,
and threatens to tell Spoon
of him and Plate, in hopes that she can have him all to herself, while Knife
watching Plate.

Fully aware of the scheme Martini Glass has devised in order to ruin her marriage, Plate
decides to get even with Martini glass
who sits
near the edge of the table as she shows off to an unaware Spoon.
No one notices Plate push Martini Glass off the table, for Knife
is in deep conversation with Mug.

A spotted spoon,
a cracked plate,
a buttered knife,
a broken martini glass,
and a chipped mug

As I came down to get my coffee mug Sunday morning, before I went to sit
and eat pancakes off my favorite plate, and stir my coffee brown with a spoon,
I saw a knife covered in butter, and a broken martini glass glinting in pieces upon the floor.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 18 2011 at 1:53 pm
How innovative and unusual!