(Graduation) Goodbye Hurts | Teen Ink

(Graduation) Goodbye Hurts

December 4, 2007
By Anonymous

Just a year ago, wished we'd get off to graduate
Get out of school and head our ways
Years, go fast , we're left with memories
Now, it seem to be the end, but the begining
Of a new direction, with different paths
Ready to spread our wings and fly away
Tears flowing down all the pretty faces
Cheering at the same time with love

We've learned that good-byes will always hurt
Pictures never replace having been there
Good or bad memories will bring tears
And words can never replace feelings
Four years passed, made new friends
New things filling up our empty minds
A new world revolving around us
With so many paths to follow
Some to destination some to rejection

Standing at the stage, with caps and gowns
Ready to get the ticket to a new life
A life, where we will soon be the models
Dreams will shatter prayers will be answered
But for now, we rejoice all the times
And cherish those who stood by our side
An' gave us the best lessons in life
That we never thought we'd face

Life just began, throwing our caps in the air
Feel the new lives begin and blessings fall
One last time with our dearest friends we cheer

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