Popular Victim | Teen Ink

Popular Victim

May 20, 2011
By Paige2011 BRONZE, Dysart, Iowa
Paige2011 BRONZE, Dysart, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fight for what you've got, even if its only worth a dime."

I am a victim.
I am a victim that has gone unnoticed.
One people would rather persecute then help out.
One that can’t have Facebook anymore because that is what started it all.

I am, in most cases, a girl.
I am a girl, who is just trying to fit in,
A girl who is scared to look at her phone, knowing nothing good is frequently inscribed.
A girl who wants to go without being nit-picked at, so maybe, she will love the life she lives.

I am someone who can’t look at herself in the mirror, fearing the horrid words are true.
I am someone who is trying to lose weight, praying this will help.
Cutting myself down has become a habit.
Cutting my wrist has become a relief.

I am a victim who, for so long, has been penetrating a way out of depression.
Nasty things typed on my profile, pictures, and cell phone.
“Nasty.” is the best designation for me yet.

I am a girl now lying, frozen in this casket.
I was someone, a girl, a victim who could no longer grip cyber bullying.
I was seventeen years old.

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