A Letter to Love | Teen Ink

A Letter to Love

May 22, 2011
By supernerd2 BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
supernerd2 BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Love,
You stink. There’s no nicer way to say it.
But I really must display it, these true feelings I have about you.
You constantly confuse me,
Berate, cajole, abuse me, but it is all in good sport is it not true?
You’ve taken my emotions
On journeys across oceans, and on roller coaster rides both up and down.
My brain’s like melted snowflakes,
And when I think of you my heart aches, in that arena you solely hold the crown.
At first I didn’t notice,
And while you tried hard not to show this, you took great pleasure causing me this pain.
Is it really that important,
Is there some great big reward in your finding ways to make me go insane?
For too long I’ve been complacent,
But now I’m just impatient, to tell just how I despise you so.
At first you’d start off nicely,
Then change your mind concisely, leaving me with nowhere else to go.
Running ‘round in circles,
Wondering how sweet could turn so hurtful, and once again left out in the cold.
Yet you speak the verse of metaphors,
Oh, forget your stupid metaphors, they have no weight and have truly gotten old.
Like “love finds a way”
Should quite honestly say, “Love finds a way (to stab you in the back a thousand times).”
And as far as love and war,
What really is in store, is that fair’s the farthest from the truth you’ll find.
I’m tired of being broken,
Of having those words spoken, “You’re a great guy, but not for me.”
And being used for all my knowledge,
So they could go to college, and they get it at whatever “unpleasant costs” need be.
Or because I have no six pack abs,
(A six pack of Cokes is all I have) I get dropped quicker than a moldy fruit.
But often, all too often
(and the blows are never softened), my parade is rained on and feelings are now moot.
Now don’t think I’m bitter,
This just isn’t Twitter, where a few hundred letters could explain my situation.
This one letter may be satirical
But honestly it will take a miracle to get me to believe in you again.

The author's comments:
Disclaimer- this is part satirical, part my real feelings/experiences, and part poetic craft.
I made it into GHP's second coffeehouse, and am going SECOND tonight.

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