All at Once | Teen Ink

All at Once

February 6, 2008
By Anonymous

I feel as though it's building
Faster and faster
Rollerskating, driving
Quickly unto me-
All at once.

All sides-
Sinking into my whole mess
The world throws the fastest
Balls you can't imagine

When I relax,
Calm, and have a break
Interrupted by something
It's easily taken away.

"Take it easy lady," "Slow down."
When I pause and think
I'm swallowed and drown
It's happening all at once.

Worrying too much
Training her mind to think
When the world is playing
I shouldn't be stopped-
Always on play

It's coming faster
No care whatsoever
The buildings or fortifications
placed in it's way,
Coming all at once.

To smother
To cover her all
Because she worked too hard
making it rain and shower
Over her.

When can I lift up?
Walk away?
Well, look inside yourself girl
Take the stress away!

Always at once
All at once
But with some ease
The world doesn't crumble down

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