Life vs. Flowers | Teen Ink

Life vs. Flowers

May 17, 2011
By lovespoetry18 BRONZE, Oregon, Illinois
lovespoetry18 BRONZE, Oregon, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seasons come and seasons go
and flowers always grow,
so simple in their beauty
but complex in how they work,
a flower is a unique design
that only God can know,
at first glance they are simple
insignificant at best,
but if you really took the time
you'd see the hidden depth,
not only is it beautiful
a design that is so rare,
it also suffers through so much
with all the weather that it bears,
but through it all, it still stands tall,
not budging in the least,
for all the flowers in the world
all have a secret that they keep,
they've learned the value of a trial
and all the good that comes from it,
they know that when the storm is done
God's masterpiece breaks free,
we can learn alot from them
as odd as it may seem,
for how much better would we be
if we learned from just a tiny seed.

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