My Gardian Angel | Teen Ink

My Gardian Angel

April 30, 2011
By Anonymous

You flow with the trees
you flow within me
Your love has captured me
and I am falling for free

You Flow within my heart
You flow within our star
We know where we are
We know where we stand
Far across the distance
wondering if we'll ever meet again
You're now in the sky
Flowing with the clouds
As I pass on by
Each day of my life
I struggle
and I feel so mellow

Your last kiss still lingers
on my lips
but it's killing me slowly
Your soft touch still lies on my arm
you're last hug
Keeps me plugged in on what's going on

You're My Guardian angel
and I still can visit you
when I close my eyes
and be in your world

I awake from this state
and realize you're not gone
So you take me in your arms
and kiss my forehead
and say
We will me again my love
you just have to wait
we'll be together soon
because not even god can take this love away from me or you

I hear a beep and I awake out of my sleep and you're not there
Was it really all in my head
but you felt so real I know you're gone but maybe you can still visit me in my dreams for real

I look to the sky
and I see you
you nod and smile
then disappear
I couldn't believe it for awhile
then I remember
you're my guardian angel
and you'll always be there
your love still remains with me
just on a different plain
We will meet again
Time will reveal itself
I am not blind

I blow a kiss to the sky
and I fall on my bed
with a bullet in my head

I see you and you see me
Then we fall in love again
He whispers in my ear
you see my dear
I told you we would be together again

The author's comments:
I was watching a ghost movie when i wrote this and I had love on the brain since i haven't seen my true love in six years. He's not dead but sometimes it feels that way because I can't see him.

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