Break The Silence | Teen Ink

Break The Silence

January 23, 2008
By Anonymous

Everyday theres a youngman
somewhere on this earth
That brutaly beats, batters, or
rapes a girl
He tells that girl not to tell
or he'll kill that girl
Everyday that youngman tells that girl
that he'll be back tomorrow
And everyday another youngman
takes a girls life

Everyday theres a girl
somewhere on this earth
Thats brutally beaten, battered, or
raped by a youngman
That girl is left to pick up the pieces
of her life and move on
Everyday another girl won't say anything
because she's so afrain
And everyday another girls
life is taken

She can hurt you
alot more than you think
She can keep you
from doing things you want to do
She can crush dreams
you really want to achieve
She can take the life
you never get to fully live

But there is hope
and every girl has a chance
That girl just has to take it
and break her
There's a 99.99% chance
that he'll be back tomorrow
But there's a lesser chance
if you break her
There's a 50% chance
that he'll be back tomorrow
But there's a greater chance to live
if you break her
There's a 50% chance
that telling can save your life
And all you have to do is

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