A Mothers Love | Teen Ink

A Mothers Love

April 4, 2011
By xXemmieXannXx BRONZE, Harrisville, Rhode Island
xXemmieXannXx BRONZE, Harrisville, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Ive fallen down she cant be found my savior from the hurt, when knees are scraped, when tummies ache, she always is alert, now down my cheeks the tears do roll, i call she doesn't come, my child's cry ends in a sigh, as i lie here all alone, in child's time hours pass, yet only minutes go by, then she calls out, as i lie here and pout, my mothers heard my cry, she picks me up her fallen child, but i bid the world goodbye, broken shattered, her heart is gone her precious child lost, she wants to be with her again no matter what the cost, she lies beside her broken child, dead as she may be, and from the pain she did the same, my mothers now with me, my mothers love can it be true, to just see me again, to gIve her life, to be with me she truly is my friend.

The author's comments:
one night i was just thinking and and i loved at my knee (which was scraped) and i thought about my own mom learning to Ride a bike teaching me how to cook and clean always helping me when i mess up and i just started writing

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