The Dawn | Teen Ink

The Dawn

April 4, 2011
By KatieBird BRONZE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
KatieBird BRONZE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sat by myself in the light of the dawn
Knowing deep down that my lover was gone
And as I looked out the window, I found myself withdrawn
From the beauty of the lake, and the doves and the swans
And the hill that my beautiful house sat upon
Knowing my love would always live on

The nighttime seemed to linger on
Though it was already far into the dawn
On the hill and the lake which my house sat upon
Where all of my joy was suddenly gone
Even the joy in my beautiful swans
On their glassy lake from the world withdrawn

The tears still remained in my eyes withdrawn
Though waves of emotion crashed on and on
And I had to get out, to go walk by the swans
So I went to go out in the light of the dawn
And then from my house I was finally gone
The path to the lake I now trod upon

A bench by the lake I sat perched upon
My thoughts and my heart from the world withdrawn
For even though it was clear he was gone
The denial in my soul raged on and on
As I sat by the lake in the light of the dawn
Watching the ever-gliding, circling swans

They are confused, my beautiful swans
They wonder why their presence has been called upon
Here, on this beautiful day in the dawn
Where we are all from the world withdrawn
They wonder and gather and keep listening on
While all of my hope from my soul is gone

“Yes, my love is really gone,”
I say to the ever-listening swans
And then I feel the tears come on
And the letter in my hand they fall upon
The words “We regret” to my palm withdrawn
“I love you, Sean” through my tears to the dawn.

The author's comments:
I wrote this sestina for my Creative Writing class. For those who don't know, a sestina is a poem made up of 6 stanzas, each with 6 lines of indeterminable length. The final words of the first stanza appear in varied order as the final words of the following 5 stanzas.

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