Pack of Wolves | Teen Ink

Pack of Wolves

January 26, 2008
By Anonymous

My life runs on a little watch
hear it tick?
you hear my heart
and when it stops
I've lost my motivation
They're ruining my inspiration
i used to say you were my hero
back in the days when a smile was a smile
a lovely shine you never faked
when birthdays were full of joy
and you always ate your cake
but your eyes have grown cold
from stress and fighting
you're looking so old
I'm lucky if i see your face
maybe once a day
working days and nights
trying to sustain our lives
just one more day

Oh this house is so new
yet so old
every nail is rusting
and the family in which it holds
is falling apart at the seams
just like the walls of the scene
i come from a pack of wolves
so loving, yet so vicious
to tear each other apart isn't uncommon
from a mom who is always right
and a dad who is never wrong
from an issue reaching beyond emotions

At what point does it become acceptable
to lie and cheat
fixating love on inanimate things
not to a human
who's noticing change
what kind of place promotes an impossible image
that takes starvation to obtain
so much running from a fear
so much running toward a goal
not knowing where you're going
reaching down into the pit of your stomach
you'll find where your most hard hitting emotions live
and hopefully never use them again

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