Circle of Hope | Teen Ink

Circle of Hope

April 20, 2011
By Maniron BRONZE, Athens, Other
Maniron BRONZE, Athens, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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When the light comes back,

and my life gets back on trail,

when I'll turn white from black,

and my soul'll get out of jail,

then my sorrow'll start to crack

and my hopes'll never fail.


The bright sun is now here,

you finally came by my side.

My eyes now shed no tear,

I find no reason my smile to hide.

Long gone is now all the fear,

the way I found to free my mind.


A mere illusion was all that,

my heart is broken my hopes past.

The door of future lies shut,

unbearable pain now the lust.

My string of life has been cut,

oh why life ends so fast?

The author's comments:
This is one of my first very premature works please don't be too judgimental

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