Frightning Monsters and Kind Sprites | Teen Ink

Frightning Monsters and Kind Sprites

April 20, 2011
By T-R0dd BRONZE, Arizona
T-R0dd BRONZE, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They are running from disaster
Staying close to their master
Avoiding the bad encounters
Needing a counclor, needing a counclor
They're going crazy, insane
Can't stay connected with their brain
People seeing their deep shame
Make them tame, make them tame
People speak to them, mention
Tell them not to late for redemption
They realize, try, attemption
No luck, relapsin', no luck, relapsin'
To escape their madness, their disire
Trustworthy and kind, yet a liar
Their scared of themselves and their sire
Now there's fire, now there's fire
Everything scary as can be
But it was only just a dream

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