An Almost Awkward Silence | Teen Ink

An Almost Awkward Silence

December 7, 2007
By dezzyg123 SILVER, Cressona, Pennsylvania
dezzyg123 SILVER, Cressona, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dependent upon your words,
I wait to hear.
Something ressurected from my
Childhood hopes.
Locked beneath my own pages,
I've waited for this.

Your eyes cheat me.

They hug your cheeks and
Battly monotonously.
For the sake of sanity,
Say those words.

Nervous tensions clutch me,
Drown my securities,
Drain the integrity of my anticipation.

I watch your lips,
Rythmical trembles of my chest
Choke me, dismantle
my motor skills.

I should have known this.

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