The Game of Life | Teen Ink

The Game of Life

April 13, 2011
By Janey SILVER, Walsh, Washington
Janey SILVER, Walsh, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"When everything is said and done, and there is nothing to do all there is left to do is... eat chocolate.\" -me

God has a plan for me. It’s probably going to be something big.
Oh, I feel stupid sometimes, but I think that’s why they call it life.
If Jesus died on the cross for the human race, then why do they keep betraying him?
I admit. I have betrayed him before. I don’t mean to betray him, but I still do.
I lie; I cheat sometimes; I screw up a lot. I want to stop all of that.
It’s time that we all do!
I heard he has a scoreboard up in Heaven.
“Oh look: there goes another point for Keana Allen. Oh but wait ladies and gentlemen! She has made the point for the other team. What a shame. Wait, what is she doing? Ladies and gents, she is apologizing to her teammates. Well there ya have it. She has very good sportsmanship after all.”
Haha… Maybe that’s how it goes on up there, but really: who knows?
I guess we will find out someday.
I know I will find out.
Will you?

The author's comments:
The piece is about my Faith in the Lord, and how everyone makes mistakes, but in the end we have to admit that we screwed up and have a relationship with the Lord.

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