Missing You | Teen Ink

Missing You

April 15, 2011
By maddiecochran PLATINUM, Bel Air, Maryland
maddiecochran PLATINUM, Bel Air, Maryland
32 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
No, heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you touch her and you feel alive
So live for the moment
And take this advice, live by every word
Love's completely real, so forget anything that you've heard
And live for the moment now

Every heartbeat makes me miss you more

My heart tore itself apart when you abandoned me

I need you to come back through the door
Cold tears fall silently on the floor

Thoughts of you harass my mind like fleas

Every heartbeat makes me miss you more
Subtle reminders make me feel poor

Like a beggar on the street asking for someone to answer her plea

I need you to come back through the door
Putting on a smile is my most difficult chore

Not letting you know what I’ve come to be

Every heartbeat makes me miss you more
You’ve heard all the rumor and the lore

But none of it is true and you must be able to see

I need you to come back through the door
You are my heart, my love, and only paramour

So I beg for forgiveness on my knees

Every heartbeat makes me miss you more

I need you to come back through the door.

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