Lets Play it Simple | Teen Ink

Lets Play it Simple

June 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Lets play it simple,
We are who we are
I look around me,
but see nothing anymore.

Lets play it simple,
we aren't the same as we once were
I look around me,
and can't find our souls anywhere.

Lets play it simple,
Their's nothing more we can do,
I've tried everything out there too.
Can't seem to figure out the way,
the way to be with you.
So I wont cross over that death bridge today.
I'll just pray.

Lets play it simple,
I've got two years to wait.
Hope you can deal with that,
don't break my heart more,
I wanna be with you,
baby, I love you.

Lets play it simple,
I've given you my heart
I look around me,
but can't find it anymore.

Lets play it simple,
My life is not the same,
and it has changed,
not for the better in any means,
actually worse than I could ever dream.
I feel lost,
without you holding me.

So I'll stand here at the cross roads,
try to make a desicion.
Do I want to live today,
or spend the rest of my life in my dreams, thinking of how this could be?
Or maybe I'll wait,
Wait to be with you.

Lets play it simple,
Baby, I'd do anything for you.
Nothing's better than being with you.

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