I'm sorry | Teen Ink

I'm sorry

June 19, 2008
By Anonymous

When I was 16 I was bothered by so many things. Used to be clean now I'm just addicted to nicotine pack after pack, as my dad started back up with it. Man why don't I just change and put down the cigarettes? To you it may not seem like much, but if you saw me now you'll find how I'm messing up. You notice how people never see the things they could achieve before they fill their minds with weed. Man just never having ambition, a wanabe rapper with little experience, but a lot to say. As I go through this life day by day, man it's time I embrace , and just stop looking away from my problems because noone else will ever solve them. If you don't get this poem, then I'm sorry you never did, but to my parents I'm sorry for the things i did. I'm sorry to Kyleen for anything I've said mean, and I hope in a way you do forgive me. I'm sorry to my brother man why do we always fight with eachother? And last but not least it's time I live my dreams for my family so we can be happy.

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