My Absolute Talent | Teen Ink

My Absolute Talent

April 12, 2011
By Anonymous

You can put me down,
scream aloud, or
even leave me abused,
bleeding on the ground,
but one thing I won't stand for,
One thing I absoulutley hate,
Is people trying to steal my absolute talent,
no one can dance like me,
no one can write like me,
no one can love like me,
so why bother try
it's my own sense of style
and you are in denile
My Absolute Talent is precious
It's delicate
it's beyonde words
It's me
and no one can steal my sense
of punctuality
No one can ever take what's on the inside
because it's all mine
So beware i might scare
I'm visious
at times I can't even speak
I am who I am and I'll remain
because that person is me
I have got talent
I have got love
and I have got care
My Absolute Talent
Is All Me.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem to tell people what my talents are and no one can steal them.

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