An Encounter of Perfect Love | Teen Ink

An Encounter of Perfect Love

January 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Dearest Lovebird, with eyes of gracious will,

Smiling down at me, laughing a warm laugh,

Like a breath of youth, you color my face,

Adding to my immeasurable joy.

Blissfully, I recall when I found you.

Falling in love with you had only been,

Searching for you, for the perfect jewel,

Inclined to sacrifice all other jewels,

In favor to part with all possessions

To be the rightful holder of your flawless self.

Now, dear companion, our hearts joined as one,

Shall we spend the rest of our existence,

In unblemished and childlike affection.

Gaze met with gaze, my hand secured in yours,

Deriving boundless bliss from simple means.

I thank our eternal and divine God,

Who bestowed upon our mortal lives,

All the ecstasy a human could ever know.

From this perfect grace I dare not resign,

And I rest in peace, knowing you are mine.

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