Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

April 7, 2011
By Anonymous

The House Is quiet tonight, it was once was filled with life.
I should have thanked you for that, I guess I thought I'd get another chance.
Your car radio blared, as your music filled my ears.
I never did thank you for that, now I lost that chance.

Oh what I give, for a second to see you live
I'd hold you in my arms tight. And thank you for giving me life.

All never forget the lessons you taught. And all the joy you brought.
I should have thanked you for that, oh god why didn’t I thank you for that
Even though now you are gone. I'll remember you through song
I'll never forget all your lessons, you told me everything is precious.
I never did thank you for that. I wish I had one last chance.
It is so cold tonight. As we say our last good byes.
Your memories we treasure most. To our hearts we hold you close
Why didn’t I thank you for that. After all you were my Dad.

The author's comments:
This is a poem about my dad who died of lung cancer this year. He was only in his 40s. I never had the chance to tell him all the things that i wanted to. It is for everyone who had some one ripped out of their lives suddenly. There is always so much you wish you could have said to your loved ones that you never had the chance to.

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