Clever Homer | Teen Ink

Clever Homer

April 7, 2011
By mattmorris BRONZE, Southborough, Massachusetts
mattmorris BRONZE, Southborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Clever Homer
This beautiful creature,
An exquisite example of human life,
His caramel eyes showing extreme focus,
Like a lion on the African plains.
His posture says that he was all ready and stretched out,
For the endurance that getting painted takes.
His outfit clearly shows that he is up to date with the latest fashion.
He also has a much tamed full goatee,
That shows that he likes life a little rugged.
From his beauty,
You can tell that he has a family,
That would have his back throughout anything,
Unless he did something very extreme.
But I have always wondered why he was shaking while I was painting.
Maybe he forgot to take his ADHD pills?

Ha ha! Get it? Cuz its Homer. And he is hyper.

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