A Failing Poison | Teen Ink

A Failing Poison

January 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Let the laws and rules of these vital few

Be that of a sunrise in it’s love blue hew

If the dying words of earth have not touched you

Then walk to the north and pray it finds you

The guidance of a mare and her newborn colt

Match only the teachings of the bitter cold

And while this creature, whose death is long lost

Travels again in darkness, casting
fortune for a cost

A single rose may hold evil with a vine

But this self-casting shadow, drinks souls like sweet wine

Alas, white light, pouring down through these trees

Liberate these vital few, by replacing fear with wings

Let safety kiss them, reassure them, gift them useful things

And tonight, post-twilight, let love kill this darkened being

Tomorrow is a running beast, whose mind is kind and swift

It has paced it’s strides, so to arrive, and bear it’s well kept gift

The vital few, stand up a-new, and know it’s up to them

To prove to evil and its poison, that this is not our end

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