F/V Sestina | Teen Ink

F/V Sestina

March 29, 2011
By TMHSMP BRONZE, Auke Bay, Alaska
TMHSMP BRONZE, Auke Bay, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a big blue boat
That catches silvery fish
Across the deep unforgiving ocean
If you will listen you can hear laughter
As the bright warming sun
Brings together, like each summer, a family

What is special about this family,
That lives and works on this steel boat
Who all welcome the Sun
And listens to the sound of a thud on the deck from the fish
Sharing hugs, love and laughter
Out there on the rolling waves of the Ocean

And why do they risk their lives on the Ocean?
Why do they go year after year this family?
From which you can hear laughter
Emitting from that small steel boat
While you watch those slimy fish
Come aboard to be cleaned in the sun

Yes you may scoff at the idea that Alaska can see the Sun
And yes people may ask how deep is that Pacific Ocean?
Are they really silver? Cause I thought Pink was the color of fish
And go ahead and question the buoyancy of a steel boat
But could you ever question joy and laughter?

But when you hear it, you know, its genuine laughter
And who doesn’t love the Sun?
And these people obviously love their boat
And love to be on the vast deep blue ocean
And these people love to be out there as a family
Making their living catching fish

So if you haven’t enjoyed the Sun
Out on the Ocean
Come to Alaska in the summer and get on a boat

The author's comments:
I do commercial fishing in the summer so I wrote a Sestina about in class

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