The Dust of Fading Stars | Teen Ink

The Dust of Fading Stars

March 25, 2011
By sammiej13 BRONZE, Groveport, Ohio
sammiej13 BRONZE, Groveport, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I go to seek a Great Perhaps"

She writes words
That will never be read
She thinks thoughts
That will never be heard
A tainted sweat
Slips from between her thighs

On the porch on scorching summer nights
She sits & listen to the words
Of the old Grandmothers' of the family
Their voices ringing with history
Raising & falling like waves on the beach

Between the symphonies of hallelujah & amen in church
Her soul hides away while others reach to bring god to them

During idle moments she listens
To the sweet voices of aunties
Cooing to fitful nieces & nephews in their arms
"Do-do, ti pitit manman"
Sleep sleep, mother's little baby

She watches the naked innocence of children
Running through the streets
Their premature spirits shining in the Sun
Whatever spirit she had has died
Whatever spirit she had was forced out of her
Whatever spirit she had will never be regenerated

The years pass
The memories are pushed back
Her eyes grow sunken & dark
The last bits of her humanity
Fan out behind her
Like the folds of summer dresses
Pulled off to escape the heat of the day

And yet a fire still burns inside her
A growing ember
To everyone who witnesses her beauty
She glistens....
With the dust of fading stars

The author's comments:
Writing this piece was a big breakthrough in my life. Before I get into all of that let me give you some background information about me. I'm Haitian-American, which explains the line of the poem that's in Creole, and I have been through some tough times in my life. Due to the things that have happened to me, there was I a time when I lost trust in the people I was closest to. I all but stopped living. Recently I had an eye-opening inspirational moment that helped me see how much I was hurting. Currently, I'm on my way to getting better. Now, back to the peom. This peom conveys the most intimate and pivotal moments in my life. Moments that made me stop and think, "What am I missing? What more can I learn from the world?" In this peom I bring you along on a ride through my life so far and the final result of it. Me.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 16 2011 at 1:35 pm
sammiej13 BRONZE, Groveport, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I go to seek a Great Perhaps"

thank you so much, its people like you that help me to stay determined to become the writer I know I'm meant to be. your welcome to critique any of my poems and recommend them for others, please. the more feedback I get, the more I'll be able to learn and grow as a writer.

on May. 4 2011 at 6:38 pm
For being so young, you possess a raw talent for poetry and writing like I've only seen maybe a couple of times before in my life. Incredible, just incredible. I truly hope that you become a well-known author someday, so that the entire world can revel in the absolute beauty and wonder that is embodied in your words.